Our Film Review

  Hi guys!👋 I'm here with another group work.

   We had a task that aimed to encourage working on a collaborative writing task. We were supposed to watch a movie. Then, write a four-paragraph review about it including its genre, name, summary, some aspects, and our reactions. We group of three: İrem, Dilan, and Bahar. However, we were supposed to provide feedback to each other with another group. This task's aim was to provide ways to carry out collaborative assignments that don't require meeting face-to-face. 

   Primarily, we planned how to write it and which app we'd use. We decided to use Google Documents. We chose the film ''Mr. Nobody'' and watched it by paying attention to some features. Later, we started to write the review on Google Documents on a common link sent by one of us after dividing our parts accordingly. We were texting at the same time to discuss and edit some parts. We added the trailer of the film and some visuals too. Lastly, we send our link to the other group to get feedback and took their link to give them feedback as commenters and finished it.

   When I think about this type of collaborative task and the app ''Google Documents'', it is quite beneficial both in terms of learning being able to work collaboratively online, without meeting face-to-face and friendships. It saves time. Also, it makes it easier for us to give feedback to each other and helps us to correct our shortcomings. We learn new technological developments to use in our works. So, in the future, I would definitely implement this kind of task.

You Can Check Our Film Review And Feedback Below ⇩

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