Let's Make The World A Better Place To Live In!
Hi! This time I'm here with a podcast :)
I was given a task by my teacher to create a podcast.
A podcast is an audio recording. You can talk about what you want and what you think is important, things that are worth speaking about.
There were three options to choose to create a podcast: creating a vox-pop (a pair work), improving the world (individual), and a sound-rich story (pair work). I chose the second one.
I had to create a podcast for sixty seconds about my ideas on how to make the world a better place to live in.
I thought about it for some time and I found an idea. I formed my content, wrote many sentences, and chose the ones that were sensible. I recorded my voice on my phone. I shared it on a site called Podomatic. Finally, I copied the link and shared it here for you to listen to. 😊 I talked about the environment and the importance of recycling for our world.
Actually, it was not a hard process for me because I could find many ideas about this topic. Recording was easy. I had fun while creating it. I would give a similar task to my students as this creating enables us to combine our knowledge with technology and by doing that we can achieve permanent learning.
Here is my podcast if you want to check. Just click on it ↓
My Podcast About How Can We Make The World A Better Place “Recycling”
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